CURRENT ISSUE: Dec 2024, Vol. 31 , No. 6

    Special Issue (Food Tech: Innovation for sustainable and upcycled future foods)

    Preparation of house cricket peptide by enzymatic hydrolysis and development of herbal peptide drink
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):847-856.

    Special Issue (Food Tech: Innovation for sustainable and upcycled future foods)

    Antioxidant and anti-browning activities of leaf extracts from paper mulberry (Broussonetia kazinoki)
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):857-864.

    Special Issue (Food Tech: Innovation for sustainable and upcycled future foods)

    Quality properties of defatted rice bran extract powder and vegan cookies
    탈지미강 추출 분말과 비건 쿠키의 품질 특성
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):865-878.

    Special Issue (Food Tech: Innovation for sustainable and upcycled future foods)

    Changes in total dietary fiber content and quality of brown rice bran by complex fermentation
    현미 미강의 복합발효에 따른 총식이섬유 함량 및 품질 변화
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):879-886.

    Special Issue (Food Tech: Innovation for sustainable and upcycled future foods)

    Optimization of extraction condition of hesperetin in mandarin peel by acid hydrolysis
    감귤 과피의 산 가수분해에 의한 hesperetin 추출 최적화
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):887-895.


    Inulin fructans: Fermentability in the human colon, health benefits and quantification
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):896-911.

    Research Article

    Modification of inulin for improved encapsulation efficiency and controlled release of quercetin
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):912-920.

    Research Article

    Control measures to reduce Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes contamination in mung bean seeds and managing their growth during sprouting
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):921-932.

    Research Article

    Inhibition effect against 20 bacteria and 4 cell lines of methanol and water extract from pawpaw (Asimina triloba [L.] Dunal) cultivated in Korea
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):933-946.

    Research Article

    Impact of room temperature on quality parameters and grading of eggs collected from the hens reared in battery cage systems
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):947-956.

    Research Article

    Effect of grinding size and inoculation rates on barley nuruk quality characteristics and volatile compounds of makgeolli
    보리의 분쇄크기 및 종균 접종율에 따른 누룩의 품질특성 및 보리 막걸리의 향기성분 변화
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):957-968.

    Research Article

    Effects of hydrogen peroxide treatment on the quality characteristics of sweet potato Tongchaeru stem during the blanching process
    자색 고구마 ‘통채루’ 줄기의 데치기 공정 중 hydrogen peroxide 첨가에 따른 품질특성 변화
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):969-976.

    Research Article

    Physicochemical properties of jangjorim made with beef, pork and venison
    우육, 돈육, 및 사슴육으로 제조한 장조림의 이화학적 특성
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):977-984.

    Research Article

    Comparison of metabolites and antioxidative activity in leaves and roots of purple radish cultivars
    자색무 품종별 무와 무청의 비휘발성 대사체 및 항산화 활성 비교
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):985-998.

    Research Article

    Development of brandy production technology using high-alcohol wine and quality characteristics of brandy aged with oak chips through accelerated aging
    고알코올 발효주 활용 및 오크칩으로 숙성한 가속 숙성 브랜디의 품질 특성
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):999-1009.

    Research Article

    Effect of rice cultivars on the fermentation characteristics and aroma profile of distilled soju using N9 yeast
    N9 효모를 이용한 쌀 품종별 증류 소주의 발효 특성 및 향기 성분 분석
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):1010-1019.

    Research Article

    Comparison of quality characteristics of tofu made from three soybean cultivars grown in different regions of Korea
    재배 지역에 따른 주요 콩 제조 두부의 풍미 및 품질 특성
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):1020-1032.

    Research Article

    Anti-inflammatory and skin improvement effect of a complex extract including Sophorae fruztus, Zingiber officinale, and Akebia quinata
    괴각(Sophorae fruztus), 건강(Zingiber officinale) 및 으름줄기(Akebia quinata) 복합 추출물의 항염증 및 피부 장벽 개선 효과
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):1033-1042.

    Research Article

    Antioxidant, digestive enzyme activity, and anti-inflammatory effect of plant mixture including Scutellaria baicalensis
    황금을 포함한 식물혼합물의 항산화, 소화효소 활성 및 항염증 효과
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):1043-1056.

    Research Note

    Tetracycline residues in retailed pork meat and liver in public markets of Davao city, Philippines
    Food Sci. Preserv. 2024;31(6):1057-1062.

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    Research Article

    Evaluation of physicochemical and biological properties of python fat (Python bivittatus)
    Korean J. Food Preserv. 2023;30(5):758-769.
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    Quality and textural properties of jelly prepared with different gelling agents
    겔화제 종류에 따른 젤리의 품질 특성
    Korean J. Food Preserv. 2020;27(5):566-573.
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    Last 3 months views: 1487


    Functional components and physiological activity in different parts of Centella asiatica
    병풀 부위별 기능성분 및 생리활성 분석
    Korean J. Food Preserv. 2022;29(5):749-761.
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    Last 3 months views: 1373


    A comprehensive review on the watermelon phytochemical profile and their bioactive and therapeutic effects
    Korean J. Food Preserv. 2022;29(4):546-576.
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    Last 3 months views: 1320


    Watermelon nutrition profile, antioxidant activity, and processing
    Korean J. Food Preserv. 2022;29(4):531-545.
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    Matrix metalloproteinase-1 suppression and type-1 procollagen synthesis promoting effects of Uncaria gambir
    아선약 추출물의 matrix metalloproteinase-1(MMP-1) 억제 및 제1형 프로콜라겐 합성 촉진 활성
    Korean Journal of Food Preservation 2017;24(1):93-99.
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    Anti-inflammatory activities of Olea europaea extracts from Jeju Island on LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells
    LPS 자극 RAW 264.7 세포에서 제주산 올리브 추출물의 항염 활성
    Korean Journal of Food Preservation 2018;25(5):557-563.
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    Analysis of vitamin D content of frequently-consumed foods
    다소비 식품에 대한 비타민 D 함량 분석 다소비 식품에 대한 비타민 D 함량 분석
    Korean J. Food Preserv. 2022;29(1):70-83.
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    Influence of the addition of aronia powder on the quality and antioxidant activity of muffins
    아로니아 분말 첨가가 머핀의 품질 및 항산화능에 미치는 영향
    Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(5):668-675.
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    Cited by 30


    Influence of chitosan coating and packaging materials on the quality characteristics of fresh-cut cucumber
    Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(4):371-380.
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    Cited by 30


    Physicochemical of burdock (Arctium lappa L) tea depending on steaming and roasting treatment
    증숙 및 볶음처리에 따른 우엉차의 품질특성
    Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(5):646-651.
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    Cited by 20


    Effect of extraction conditions on ultrasonic-assisted extraction of polyphenolic compounds from okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) leaves
    Korean J. Food Preserv. 2020;27(4):476-486.
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    Cited by 19


    Changes in antioxidant activities and flavor patterns of Coffea arabica beans during roasting
    아라비카 커피의 배전 중 항산화 및 향기패턴의 변화
    Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(2):224-230.
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    Cited by 18


    Fermentation characteristics of mulberry (Cudrania tricuspidata) fruit vinegar produced by acetic acid bacteria isolated from traditional fermented foods
    전통발효식품으로부터 분리한 초산균을 이용한 꾸지뽕 열매 발효식초 제조 및 발효특성
    Korean J Food Preserv 2015;22(1):108-118.
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    Cited by 18


    Antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibition activity of seaweed extracts
    해조류 추출물의 항산화 및 α-glucosidase 저해 활성
    Korean J Food Preserv 2015;22(2):290-296.
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    Cited by 18


    Determination of the shelf life of cricket powder and effects ofstorage on its quality characteristics
    식품원료용 귀뚜라미 분말의 저장 중 품질특성 및 유통기한 설정
    Korean J Food Preserv 2016;23(2):211-217.
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    Cited by 17

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