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Korean Journal of Food Preservation. Vol. 28, No. 7, 2021

Inhibition of natural bacterial flora, Staphylococcus aureus, and enterotoxin A production in cooked ground chicken with oregano oil or tannic acid (TA) alone or combination
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):857-867.
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Simultaneous extraction of proteins and carbohydrates, including phenolics, antioxidants, and macamide B from Peruvian maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.)
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):868-877.
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Occurrence of deoxynivalenol and nivalenol in Korean ginger and the optimal storage conditions for reducing mycotoxins
국내산 생강의 데옥시니발레놀과 니발레놀 발생 및 저감화 저장조건
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):878-889.
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Effects of LED treatment and plasma-activated water on the growth and quality of Panax ginseng sprouts during hydroponic cultivation
LED 처리 및 플라즈마 방전수에 의한 담수경재배 새싹삼의 생육 및 품질에 미치는 영향
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):890-899.
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Correlation analysis of long-term aged soy sauce taste components and sensory tests
장기숙성 간장 맛성분과 관능검사의 상관 분석
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):900-907.
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Physicochemical and sensory properties of hamburger steak made with venison
사슴고기를 이용한 햄버거 스테이크의 이화학적 및 관능적 품질 특성
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):908-914.
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Nutritional components and physiological activities of Petasites japonicus solvent extracts
머위(Petasites japonicus)의 영양성분 및 추출물을 이용한 생리활성
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):915-295.
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Analysis of A and E vitamer profiles in domestic raw and processed seafood consumed in Korea
국내 소비 수산자원 및 가공품 중의 비타민 A 및 E vitamers 분석 및 검증
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):926-936.
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Quality characteristics of sourdough bread produced using banana sour starter
바나나 사워종을 첨가한 sourdough bread의 품질 특성
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):937-947.
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Effect of grain raw materials on the quality characteristics of ‘Kaoliang’ spirit
곡물 원료에 따른 고량주 품질 특성
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):948-957.
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Characteristics of distillation fractions obtained by various methods for the distillation of solid-state fermented mash by adding dried milk
분유 첨가 고체발효 술덧의 증류 방법에 따른 증류 분획물의 특성
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):958-967.
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Antioxidant activity and neuroprotective effect of ethyl acetate fraction of Lonicera japonica on H2O2-induced oxidative stress
금은화 에틸 아세테이트 분획물의 항산화 활성 및 H2O2로 유도된 산화적 스트레스에 대한 신경세포 보호 효과
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):968-979.
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Maclura tricuspidata fruit vinegar improves the inflammation and insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes
꾸지뽕 열매 발효식초의 3T3-L1 세포에서 항염증 및 인슐린 저항성 개선 효과
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):980-988.
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Cognition improving effect of the compositions prepared with extracts of Wongam, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench and pupae of Bombyx mori L.
원감, 수수 및 누에번데기 추출물로 조제된 조성물의 인지기능 개선 효과
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):989-999.
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Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects of astragalin isolated from Aster scaber
참취(Aster scaber)에서 분리한 astragalin의 항염증 및 뇌신경세포 보호 효과
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):1000-1009.
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Erratum to: Antioxidant activity of water-soluble polysaccharide extracts produced from perilla seed cake by enzymatic hydrolysis
Erratum to: 효수분해에 의한 들깨박으로부터 생성된 수용성 다당류 추출물의 항산화 활성
Korean J. Food Preserv. 2021;28(7):1010
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Journal Title Change

We announce that the title of our journal and related information were changed as below from January, 2024.


Before (~2023.12)

After (2024.01~)

Journal Title

Korean Journal of Food Preservation

Food Science and Preservation

Journal Abbreviation

Korean J. Food Preserv.

Food Sci. Preserv.







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