List of Articles

Korean Journal of Food Preservation. Vol. 26, No. 6, 2019

Effect of temperature treatment on postharvest quality of the cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme)
수확 후 온도 처리에 따른 방울토마토의 저장 중 품질 변화
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):595-605.
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Storage and sensory characteristics according to drying methods of dried oriental melon
건조 참외의 건조방법에 따른 저장 및 관능특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):606-614.
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Effects of forced air precooling and MA film packaging on quality characteristics of ‘Fuji’ apples
‘후지’ 사과의 품질에 대한 강제송풍 예냉처리와 MA 필름 포장의 효과
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):615-619.
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Effect of squid hydrolysate and squid powder on the quality characteristics of dried noodles with squid
오징어 가수분해물과 오징어 분말 첨가가 오징어 건면의 품질특성에 미치는 영향
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):620-630.
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Quality characteristics of barley-Makgeolli fermented from yeast Y204 with different fermented agents
발효제를 달리한 효모 Y204로 빚은 보리 막걸리의 품질 특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):631-641.
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High production of GABA in Pyrus ussuriensis Maximowicz fruit extract by mixed fermentation of lactic acid bacteria
산돌배 과실 추출물의 젖산균 혼합발효를 통한 고농도 GABA 생산
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):642-649.
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Quality characteristics of soft morning roll bread with different ratios of high yield tongil-type rice flours
다수성 통일형 쌀가루의 첨가 비율별 모닝빵의 품질특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):650-658.
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Effect of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) powder addition on physicochemical and microbial characteristics of tofu
레드비트 분말 첨가가 두부의 이화학적 및 미생물학적 특성에 미치는 영향
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):659-666.
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Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of hot water and enzyme extracts from plants containing tannin pigments
탄닌계 색소를 함유한 식물의 열수추출물과 효소추출물의 항산화 및 항세균 활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):667-672.
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Variation in the quality characteristics of different rice bran cultivar extracts upon hexane or supercritical fluid extraction
품종에 따른 쌀 미강의 핵산 및 초임계 유체 추출물의 품질특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):673-680.
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Bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of domestic citrus cultivar ‘Haryejosaeng’
국내육성 품종 ‘하례조생’의 생리활성 성분과 항산화 활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):681-689.
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Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of polyphenols isolated from unripe apples (Malus pumila cv. Hongro)
풋사과(홍로) 폴리페놀 분획물의 항산화성 및 항균 활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):690-696.
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Improvement of granule softening and constipation function of Job’s-tears via emzymatization
효소처리 율무의 연화도 향상 및 변비개선 효과
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):697-702.
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Production of Compound K using ginsenosides from ginseng leaf by commercial enzyme
상업용 효소를 이용한 인삼잎 유래 ginsenoside로부터 Compound K 생산
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):703-710.
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Comparison of mineral contents of popular fruit and vegetable varieties in korea
한국인 선호 과채류 품종별 무기질 함량 비교
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(6):711-722.
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Journal Title Change

We announce that the title of our journal and related information were changed as below from January, 2024.


Before (~2023.12)

After (2024.01~)

Journal Title

Korean Journal of Food Preservation

Food Science and Preservation

Journal Abbreviation

Korean J. Food Preserv.

Food Sci. Preserv.







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