List of Articles

Korean Journal of Food Preservation. Vol. 25, No. 1, 2018

Immune-enhancing effects of polysaccharides with different molecular weights obtained from Gloiopeltis furcata
불등풀가사리 다당류의 분자량에 따른 면역증강 효과
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):1-6.
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Comparison of γ-aminobutyric acid and isoflavone aglycone contents, to radical scavenging activities of high-protein soybean sprouting by lactic acid fermentation with Lactobacillus brevis
발아 고단백 콩의 Lactobacillus brevis 젖산발효에 의한 가바와 이소플라본 함량 및 라디칼 소거활성의 비교
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):7-18.
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Analysis of the quality characteristics of Kochujang prepared using pastes from different peach varieties
복숭아 품종별 페이스트를 이용한 고추장의 품질 특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):19-26.
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Antioxidant activities and anti-inflammatory effects of fresh and air-dried Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai leaves
건조방법에 따른 미선나무 잎의 항산화 및 항염증 효과
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):27-35.
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Inhibition effect of herbs on the rancidity of soybean oil
허브의 첨가에 의한 대두유의 산패억제 효과
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):36-43.
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Quality changes of dried persimmon based on storage conditions
농가별 저장조건에 따른 건시의 품질 특성 변화
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):44-51.
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Physicochemical properties, phytochemicals, and biological activities of heat-treated Elaeagnus multiflora juice and vinegar
열처리 보리수 과즙과 식초의 이화학적 특성, phytochemicals 및 생리활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):52-61.
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Physicochemical characteristics of Sengmaksan added with Liriope platyphylla roasted for different times
덖음 처리 시간을 달리한 맥문동을 첨가한 생맥산의 이화학적 특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):62-70.
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Quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of yogurt dressing containing black currant extract
블랙커런트 요구르트 첨가 드레싱의 품질특성 및 항산화성
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):71-78.
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The anti-oxidant, whitening and anti-wrinkle effects of Castanea crenata inner shell extracts processed by enzyme treatment and pressurized extraction
효소처리 및 가압추출 공정을 이용한 율피 추출물의 항산화, 피부 미백 및 주름개선 효과
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):79-89.
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In vitro correlation between anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects of stone and seed of peaches cultivars
복숭아 품종별 핵과 종자의 항염증 및 항산화 효과간의 상관관계
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):90-97.
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Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of water extracts and ethanol extracts from Portulaca oleracea L.
쇠비름 물, 에탄올 추출물의 항산화 및 항염증 활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):98-106.
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Anti-inflammation effect of blueberry (Vaccinium ashei) leaf extract on RAW 264.7 macrophages stimulated by lipopolysaccharide
Lipopolysaccharide에 의해 활성화된 RAW 264.7대식세포에서 블루베리 잎(Vaccinium ashei) 추출물의 항염증 효과
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):107-116.
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Inhibitory activities of phenolic compounds isolated from Chionanthus retusa flower on biological enzymes
이팝나무 꽃에서 분리한 페놀 화합물의 생리활성 효소 억제효과
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):117-123.
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Antioxidative and digestion enzyme inhibitory activity of Ganoderma lucidum depends on the extraction solvent
추출용매에 따른 영지버섯(Ganoderma lucidum)의 항산화 및 소화효소 저해활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):124-135.
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Physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of Streptococcus thermophilus KCCM 3782 strain fermented Cordyceps militaris grown on Tenebrio molitor
갈색거저리 동충하초의 Streptococcus thermophilus KCCM 3782 유산균 발효에 따른 물리화학적 특성과 산화방지 활성 비교
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):136-144.
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Study on the storage stability of the white internal organs using natural materials
천연소재를 활용한 백내장의 저장성 증진 연구
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):145-154.
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Physicochemical quality characteristics of hot water extracts of processed ginseng based on different heat treatments
열처리 방법에 따른 가공 인삼 열수추출물의 이화학적 품질 특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2018;25(1):155-163.
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Journal Title Change

We announce that the title of our journal and related information were changed as below from January, 2024.


Before (~2023.12)

After (2024.01~)

Journal Title

Korean Journal of Food Preservation

Food Science and Preservation

Journal Abbreviation

Korean J. Food Preserv.

Food Sci. Preserv.







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