List of Articles

Korean Journal of Food Preservation. Vol. 26, No. 5, 2019

Effects of storage temperature on the bioactive compound content and antioxidant activity of aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) fruit
아로니아의 저장온도가 생리활성물질 및 항산화에 미치는 영향
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):455-465.
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The effects of Allium hookeri on the physicochemical characteristics and storage of pork sausage
삼채 첨가에 의한 돈육 소시지의 물리화학적 특성과 저장성에 미치는 영향
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):466-473.
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Quality changes during ripening of Gouda cheese coated with loess
황토 코팅 가우다 치즈의 숙성 중 품질특성 변화
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):474-482.
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Nutritional components, phytochemicals and biological activities of Sibjeondaebohwan produced from balloon flower by high-temperature aging
고온숙성법에 의해 제조된 도라지 함유 십전대보환의 영양성분, phytochemicals 및 생리활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):483-495.
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Quality analysis of Makgeolli made with non-steamed rice flour Nuruk by various fungal strains
곰팡이 균주별 무증자 쌀가루 개량누룩을 첨가한 막걸리의 품질특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):496-504.
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Quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of aged black Liriope platyphylla
숙성 흑 맥문동의 품질특성 및 항산화능
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):505-512.
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Quality characteristics of spray-dried powders of Pueraria thunbergiana extracts with added forming agents
부형제 종류에 따른 분무건조 칡분말의 품질특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):513-520.
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Quality characteristics of Cheonggukjang by mixed culture of biogenic amine producing- and degrading-bacteria
바이오제닉 아민 생성 및 분해균의 혼합 배양으로 제조한 청국장의 품질 특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):521-531.
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Alleviation of atopic dermatitis-related indications of the Lonicera japonica aqueous fraction produced by solid-state fermentation
고체발효를 통한 인동 추출물의 항아토피 활성 증진효과 분석
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):532-538.
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Effects of fats and oils on the quality characteristics of rice scone
유지 종류가 쌀스콘의 품질특성에 미치는 영향
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):539-544.
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Solubilization of polysaccharides and functional components of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) using ethanol and enzyme
주정과 효소 복합 처리를 활용한 생강의 다당류 및 기능성분 수용화
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):545-554.
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Comparison of primary and secondary metabolite compositions and antioxidant effects of specific soybean cultivars
특이 콩 품종의 1차 대사체와 2차 대사체 조성 및 항산화 활성 비교
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):555-565.
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Extraction solvent-dependent antioxidant activities and cancer cell growth inhibitory effects of Scutellaria baicalensis extracts
추출용매에 따른 황금 추출물의 항산화 활성 및 암세포 증식 억제 효과
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):566-575.
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Determination of aroma profiles of coffee cultivated in Goheung, Korea by gas chromatography–ion mobility spectrometry
한국 고흥산 커피의 gas chromatograph-ion mobility spectrometer에 의한 향기 특성 분석
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):576-585.
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Reserch Note
Physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activities of solvent fractions from ethanol extract of Wasabia koreana Nakai leaf
고추냉이 잎의 에탄올 추출물로부터 용매분획물의 이화학적 특성 및 항산화 활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2019;26(5):586-593.
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Journal Title Change

We announce that the title of our journal and related information were changed as below from January, 2024.


Before (~2023.12)

After (2024.01~)

Journal Title

Korean Journal of Food Preservation

Food Science and Preservation

Journal Abbreviation

Korean J. Food Preserv.

Food Sci. Preserv.







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