List of Articles

Korean Journal of Food Preservation. Vol. 21, No. 1, 2014

Preparation and characteristics of Haliotis Discus Hannai Ino (abalone) viscera Jeotgal, a Korean fermented seafood
전복내장 젓갈의 제조 및 품질특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):1-8.
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Antioxidant activities of hot water extract of Syneilesis palmata root and aerial part
우산나물 뿌리와 지상부 열수 추출물의 항산화 활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):9-16.
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Quality changes of fresh-cut winter squash treated with different postharvest ripening periods and packaging methods
신선편이 단호박 원료의 후숙기간 및 가공 후 포장방법에 따른 저장 중 품질변화
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):17-24.
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Effect of the ice pack treatment in the corrugated box for improving the storage quality of the oriental melon (Cucumis melo var. makuwa) at high temperature conditions during summer
여름철 고온 환경 조건에서 참외(Cucumis melo var. makuwa)의 저장 중 선도유지를 위한 아이스 팩 처리 포장 박스 적용 연구
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):25-33.
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Quality characteristics of noodles added with Houttuynia cordata Thunb. powder
어성초 분말을 첨가한 국수의 품질특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):34-39.
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Quality characteristics of rice cookies as affected by coffee addition
커피분말 첨가가 쌀쿠키의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):40-45.
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Preparation of Cheonggukjang added onion (Allium cepa L.) and its antioxidative activity
양파(Allium cepa L.) 첨가 청국장의 제조 및 항산화능 평가
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):46-54.
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Quality characteristics of brown rice boiled with medicinal herbs extract for diabetes prevention
당뇨병 예방을 위하여 한약재 추출액으로 제조한 현미밥의 품질특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):55-61.
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Characteristics of marine algae extracts using subcritical water extract method
아임계 추출법을 이용한 해조류 추출물의 특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):62-68.
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Monitoring and risk assessment of pesticide in school foodservice products in seoul, Korea
서울지역 학교급식 식재료의 잔류농약 위해성 평가
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):69-74.
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Antioxidant, angiotensinconverting enzyme and xanthin oxidase inhibitory activity of extracts from Saururus chinensis leaves by ultrafine grinding
초미세 분쇄한 삼백초(Saururus chinensis) 추출물의 항산화, angiotensinconverting enzyme 및 xanthin oxidase 억제 활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):75-81.
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Antioxidant activities of hot-water extracts from Aster scaber by cultivation and drying methods
참취의 재배 및 건조 방법에 따른 열수 추출물의 항산화 활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):82-90.
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A study to reduce the intestinal transport of endosulfan by indole
인돌을 이용한 잔류성 농약 endosulfan의 소장 흡수 억제 연구
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):91-96.
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Anti-obesity effect of Polygala tenuifolia
원지(Polygala tenuifolia)의 항비만 효과
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):97-106.
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Effect of the supplementation of Coconopsis lanceolata extract on lipid metabolism amelioration in type 2 diabetes mouse model induced by high fat diet
울릉도 섬더덕 추출물의 급여가 제2형 당뇨 동물의 지질대사 개선에 미치는 영향
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):107-113.
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Inflammatory mediator regulation of the Zizyphus jujube leaf fractions in the LPS-stimulated Raw264.7 mouse machrophage
LPS로 염증이 유도된 Raw 264.7 대식세포에서 대추(Zizyphus jujube) 잎 분획물의 염증매개물질 억제
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):114-120.
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Changes in isoflavone content and quality characteristics of Cheonggukjang prepared with Bacillus subtilis HJ18-3 and KACC 15935
Bacillus subtilis HJ18-3과 KACC 15935를 이용하여 제조한 청국장의 품질특성과 isoflavone 함량의 변화
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):121-128.
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Sensory quality, antioxidant, and inhibitory activities of XO and AO of Smilax china leaf tea fermented by Aspergillus oryzae
Aspergillus oryzae 발효 청미래덩굴잎 분말차의 관능적 품질 및 항산화능과 xanthine oxidase 및 aldehyde oxidase 저해활성
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):129-139.
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Quality characteristics of domestic dried persimmon and imported dried persimmon
국내산과 수입산 시판 곶감의 품질특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):140-145.
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Quality characteristics of cookies added with jujube powder
대추분말을 첨가한 쿠키의 품질 특성
Korean J Food Preserv 2014;21(1):146-150.
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Journal Title Change

We announce that the title of our journal and related information were changed as below from January, 2024.


Before (~2023.12)

After (2024.01~)

Journal Title

Korean Journal of Food Preservation

Food Science and Preservation

Journal Abbreviation

Korean J. Food Preserv.

Food Sci. Preserv.







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